Arizona Daily Star from Tucson, Arizona (2024)

NEW CAR MAKES DEBUT HERE TODAY Saturday, April 16, 194. Tucson, Arisen Udall Family Boasts Seven Lawyers; Two Classified 'iocs'. vjmaviM. 'syssau REFRIGERATORS DIAL WAY TO PREDICT tSUNAMB FOUND Tidal Waves Telegraph Their Punch by Sound Waves, Savant Says By REN ME TAYLOR BERKELEY, April 15. MCSifeaeagaaawiwBiiHiiJuiiMiwiiii iiim mn mm i i 3 The new Keller convertible with a 92-inch wheelbase and four-cylinder motor which gets np to 35 miles per gallon of gasoline, will be on display today and tomorrow in the lobby of the Santa Rita hotel.

Prices on the Keller cars, ranging from delivery wagon to station wagon, will ran from $895 to $1,245 f.o.b. Huntsvllle, Ala. The Keller is said to be the first car to have the chassis suspended at points lower than the center of the wheels, with all four wheels suspended in rnbber instead of the conventional type springs. Three U. A.

Students Depart Open Practice Here The brothers Udall, Stewart L. and Morris opened law offices in the Valley National Bank building here, yesterday, swelling the number of Udalls practicing law in Arizona to seven. Former basketball stars at the University of Arizona where they also took their pre-law training, the two are sons of Levi S. Udall, Arizona supreme court judge. Stewart Udall received his degree in 1948 and was admitted to the bar in February of that year.

Morris Udall, who was presi dent of the student body during his final year at the U. of grad uated from law school in January, 1949, and was admitted to the bar last month. Between the time for his grad uation and his entry into practice, the latter played professional bas ketball with the Denver Nuggets. Both lawyers were born in St Johns and went to high school there. Other Udalls practicing law In Arizona are Jesse Udall, Safford; Don T.

Udall, Navajo county su perior court judge; Nicholas Udall, now mayor of Phoenix; Calvin Udall, St. Johns; and Judge Udall. Annual 4-H Fair Exhibits Formed One hundred and ten 4-H boys and girls have prepared 677 exhibits for their annual fair at the South Sixth avenue grounds April 22 and 23. Entry lists released yesterday show 311 entries in the agricultural club division, and 366 in the girls home economics group. In the agricultural group there 83 poultry 30 pigeons, 23 hhit 72 haTldVraft.

53 mechani- cal drawing four forestry, one min- eral, seven record books and four agricultural demonstration exhibits. In the home economics division, 5 girls have- entered in these groups: first year foods, 61; sec ond year foods, 62; third year foods, clothing, 14; second year clothing, year ciotning, seen, recora dooks, 19. Bob Ewing will assist Jimmy Carter in auctioning off the bivt fat beef cattle and fat hogs on market day, April 23. The girls breakfast demonstration will be held April 30 at Am- On Flying Trip to Guatemala By MORTON J. O'BRIEN In spite of ominous reports coming out of Guatemala, concerning two Tucsonans held as revolutionaries, three University of Arizona students took off from Tucson Municipal airport early yesterday morning in a light plane headed place but Guatemala City.

There was a marked difference. The two arrested Tucsonans flew modern Mayan culture and shoot a picture record of what they see. Also, they want aerial pictures in color of the very active volcanoes in that area. Shark Fishing If time doesn't run too short, they will fly on to Lake Nicaragua, tresn water snarK iismng can Deare 21 fat beef cattle seven fat the only place the world where jh five dairy cattle one dairv soumeasi or san aaiaaor indulged. The lake is 250 miles: Turning homeward, tne group will put in at Belize, British Hon duras, about 275 miles northeast of San Salvador.

One or two davs are allotted that capital for photographing the more important historical pvramids in the Yucatan peninsula. The flight crosses the neninsula. then, canning, eight; lirst year fniinwR the Vmrspshnp cnastlinp to I Veracruz, in the Mexican state ofi94: hird vear clothing, 35; fourth HABEAS CORPUS OVERSEAS OKD Citizens, Foreigners Held Outside U. S. Territory Given Writ Advantage WASHINGTON, April 15.

The United States court of appeals here ruled today that American citizens and foreign nationals im- nrlsoned overseas bv the U. S. government have the right to apply for a writ of habeas corpus in the United States. This decision was handed down In the case of a German national, Ludwifc Ehrhardt, who Is serving life sentence In the American army prison at Landsberg, Germany. Ehrhardt was convicted of espionage as head a German spy ring in China by a U.

S. military tribunal at Nanking, China, in 1946. A Ehrhardt's attorney, Wallace M. Cohen, termed the ruling "a considerable victory." Ruling Acclaimed "This Is a radical departure from previous rulings," he said. "This is the first time in history that people tried and convicted outside the United States, any where in the world, by the American government, have been given the right of habeas corpus." Cohen interpreted the decision as applying to soldiers as well as civilians.

Reversing a ruling by the federal court of the District of the appeals court said the lower court holds jurisdiction over all persons concerned. This means, said Cohen, that hereafter soldiers tried by U. S. Army courts-martial outside the United States have the right to ask for a writ of habeas corpus in the district court. A writ of habeas corpus requires that the person being held in custody be brought before a court so the court can investigate whether the prisoner was imprisoned unjustly.

Comment Withheld The U. S. Army judge advocate general's office declined comment cn the appeals court ruling by Judges Henry W. Edgerton, E. Barrett Prettyman and James M.

Proctor. "We think," the ruling said, "that when a person is deprived of his liberty by the act of an of ficial of the United States outside the territorial jurisdiction of any district court of the United States, that person's petition for a writ of habeas corpus will lie in the district court which has territorial jurisdiction over the officials who have directive power over the immediate jailer." In many cases, at least, the district court for the District of Columbia apparently would have jurisdiction. A jo Plans Easter Sunrise Services AJO, April 15. (Special) Sunrise services at the Crater natural amphitheater will begin with the heralding of dawn by trumpeters on Easter Sunday morning. Larry Aims, assisted by Robert Fee, Margaret Alley and Teddy Glade, will be in charge of this since Ken- neth Mack, school band director, will be out of town and unable to part.

Services are scheduled to begin at 5:52 o'clock, the time the sun is supposed to rise that morn ing, or as nearly then as it corresponds. Rev. Crawford Trotter, speaking for the ministers, has asked that spectators arrive at least 15 minutes earlier. Music Is under the direction of Orvus McGirr, who will lead the massed choir in which singers of all local Protestant churches have been asked to join. In the anthem, "Hosanna," to be presented by the interchurch group, Lance Gillespie wm oe soloist, and Mrs.

Charles Gilbert the accompanist. The an- them "Go to Dark Gethsemane" also will be presented. The Boy Scouts, directed by Tommy Dietil, will serve as ushers and will prepare the grounds and direct traffic. Officials have urged drivers to be cooperative in observing traffic regulations and directions. Following the fanfare of trumpets, McGirr will lead the congregation in singing "Low in the Grave He Lay." The programs distributed by the Scouts will contain the words.

Rev. Clark Moore will give the invocation, which is to be followed by an anthem by the massed choir. Rev. Haskell Beck will read the scriptures, and, before Malin Lewis delivers the morning message, the choir will present the second anthem. Services will be concluded by.

congregational singing of "Christ is Risen," and Rev. Ramon Pasos will ask the benediction. Oracle Road Bids Will Open in Phoenix Soon; I I Veracruz, at least 550 miles west of Belize. In rapid succession will follow Mexico City, San City, El Paso and Tucson. The ten-day flight should cost something less than $400, including food, fuel, lodging, border-crossing and landing fees, Kurth said crhonl.

Lack of facili terday, or much less than $150 for(ties at the fairgrounds prevents its a 450-horsepower BT-13 to Mexico City and then on to the Mexico- Guatemala border. The three students are in a 100- horsepower Piper Super Cruiser. Their 10-day round trip will take them perhaps as far as Lake Nicaragua, for a total distance of 4,500 miles or more. U.A. Senior The pilot is no stranger to Mexico or long-distance flights during Eas ter vacations.

Ke is Franz Kurth, operator of Kurth Aerial Photos at 2411 North Loretta drive, a senior in the- college of business and public administration at the university. Last Easter vacation, he and two others flew to La Paz, Baja Cali fornia. It is on the experience gained from this trip that much of his preparations for the present flight were based. With him this time are Russell Beck, sophom*ore in the liberal arts college here, who has never been south of Nogales, but whose hobby is anthropology; and Mrs. Helen Fruchtman, ot lOol East Hampton street, whose work on her master's degree has been temporar ily Interrupted.

Student Pilot Mrs. Fruchtman, a student pilot, has flown for Kurth on aerial mapping missions throughout the south west. The trio, fully prepared for almost any emergency, planned to make their first stop at Mo-chis Sinaloa, about 465 miles south of Tucson. The next stop will be Hazatlan, about 165 miles further down the coast. Going on to Guadalajara, Jalisco, they will settle down for two or three days to take a series of pic tures of Paracutin volcano and the Aztec pyramid ruins in the region of Lake Chapala.

That will bring the first day flying to a total of about 815 miles, or a little over eight hours' fly ing time. Next comes Mexico City, almost another 200 miles away, where two more days will be spent in side trips, shooting more pictures. Oaxaca Visit Oaxaca, capital of Oaxaca state, will get a visit. Kurth expects to look up an American free-lance writer there. The distance: 240 miles.

One hundred and 20 miles further on is Tehuantepec, Oaxaca where the picture-snapping trio will pick up the coast once more before head ing the remaining 270 miles to Guatemala City. Between Guatemala's capital and San Salvador, caoital of El Salvador, airline dis- tance of just over 100 miles, they will arrange for ground trips radi ating from each of the capitals Object is to get a firsthand look at interpreting the News being held during the fair. Tucson Topics William J. Weaver Jr. will speak on air mail issues of United States stamps at the meeting of the Tuc son Stamp club at 7:30 p.

m. Mon- day in room 112 of the state mu- cAtim linUHinff nn tViA TTnitrprcltv of Arizona campus, according to Charles E. Finney a COOLERS DUCT WORK. CENTRAL HEATING. COOLING FURNACES.

COOLERS INSTALLED, SERVICED. ACE COOLER MAINTENANCE. 5-1291. Balentine's Cooler Service 2332 S. 4th Ave.

Dial 3-8822 COOLING, heating repair service, pads made to fit. Call Mac. 3-4042. WE INSTALL New Coolers as well as servicing aU types of coolers. Ph.

3-3696 133 S. 6th Ave. POLAR AIR CONDITIONING CO. Guaranteed servicing. Installing qual- Ity coolers.

Dial 5-3981. DRESSMAKING DRESSMAKING, alterations, shirts suits, belts, buttons VI-Ans Sewing Service. 55 E. Jackson. 3-6171, EXPERT ALTERATIONS Repairing remodeling on men's women's garments.

2832 N. Mountain Ave. Dial 5-7626. G. Garrett.

"DRESSMAKING, alterations, men. women, children. Mrs. Fuller. 1274 N.

1st Ave. DRESSMAKING, alterations. Exper. seamstress. Reasonable.

Dial 4-1487. 1136 Rincon Court. ELECTRIC SERVICE WIRING, residential and conmerctal service. K. Oestrlch.

Dial 5-7421. SOUSE wiring repairs. Call Mills anvtime. 5-4621. Call a.

d. electric rm THE LOWEST BID IN TOWN. i PHONE 3-7756. 2625 N. FIRST.

EQUIPMENT RENTAL FORD Tractor rental, skip loader, bulidoxer. 5003 E. Speedway. Ph. 5-3971.

I EQUIPMENT for rent. Compres-sion Jack Hammer with No. 1 oper-ator. 85 per hour. Ph.

3-1485. WARDS FLOOR SANDERS Save money by reflnlshtng your own floors. Adds years of life and gives new beauty. It's easy to operate and economical to use. free Instructions.

MONTGOMERY WARD 44 18 Stone 8-MTI aUT C6MPRESSORS. contraS TORS EQUIPMENT FOR RENT. Joynt CONSTRUCTION CO. IMS to. Campbell Dial 8-1638 FAST economical trenching, field and foundation, with machine.

HAYDEN. 5-6451 HAYDEN 5-6451 General excavating, concrete et caliche breaking, trencher, compressors crews. House connections. ''Digging Is our business." EXCAVATING CALICHE CONCRETE BREAKING 83.50 hour. Tree holes dug.

Mae-Donald Jackhammer Service. 4913 East Pima. SAVE Leaching field trenching ma- chine. Hedges, pipe line foundations. Imm.

del. sand, gravel, top soil, fill Tdirt fertilizer. Dial 5-4458 or 8-9616. FENCES FENCES, cactus, landscaping; FHA terms; licensed contractor. Ph.

3-6524 FLOOR FINISHING SANDING, refinishing and waxing. Free estimate. 5-0771. M. Thompson.

RENT our high speed floor sanders, pickup-delivery service. 2-4333. LAYING, sanding refinishing and waxing. Ariz. Floor Dial 4-1062, FURNITURE REBLILOINU "RELIABLE FURNITURE SERVICE Refinishing Upholstering -Repairs Upholstery Cleaning Free Estimates 3-3601 FURNITURE REPAIRED, refinished.

Best In the west. Ph. 3-8656. BERNHARD MANDL'S COMPLETE FURN. SERVICE 320 E.

6th St. 4-0342 HAULING FLAT BED. semi-van. anything to anywhere Insured 2-7698 FOR FLAT BED hauling call Van! Dial 5-6760 Prompt service. WE BUY.

sell, trade and rent luggage trailers. 30 E. Luna. HOUSEHOLD REPAIR THE FIX ALL SHOP 130 W. Indio.

Ph. 2-8133. Cabinets store fixtures. Complete borne repair. Fum.

repair. Carpentry, Decorating. INCOME TAX INCOME tax. individual out-of-state, reasonable. 9-5 Monday thru Saturday, 1-5 Sundays, eves, by ppt.

04 E. Broadway. Dial 3-0565. INSTRUCTION ARIZONA COLLEGE OF COMMERCE Fully accredited business school 131 E. Broadway.


Tucson owned Tucson operated. Snnitarv and maintenance mipolle. L2N.STONE DIAL 4-0173 JEWELER, WATCH REPtiK DIAZ Pulido Jewelers Expert watch repairs. New 101 S. Mever.

HIGH quality watch repairing Sol's Jewelers. 215 E. Congress. Dial 2-1383 EXPERT watch 40 years in Tuc- son M. Ellas, 32 W.

Congress. JOHNSON Jewelers give the best service. 88 E. Broadway MONEY to loan on Jewelry. Personal Finance 13 Congress Watch and Jewelry REPAIRINO ESTIMATES CHEERFULLT GIVEN WITHOUT CHARGE Daniels Jewelers CONGRESS Pl'lTS Jewelers.

Congress St Stone. Watch and lewelrv rep Reasonable. LANDSCAPING SUMMER lawns, renov. trees, ceage prunnlng, yd wk Fert. Flannery 3-7263 New lawns, tree-trimming, Cnrub bry, plowing.

Free est. Nordstrom. 2-2730 HEADLEY'S LANDSCAPING Lawn yards designed, maintenance uc. ins, wornmen. 3-aa.


lawns. landscape lng. North Park and Waverly. Dial 2-0235. EASTER lilies 8100 per bloom.

Afri-can violets, tulips, azaleas, primroses, heathers and others. Cut flowers. Eastburns. 3-0332 734 E. 8th.

LAWNS renovated by machine, free estimate. Middle on Upham Ph. 4-1471 041 N. Stone T. MUZZY SON licensed land-scape contractors.

All kinds of planting, large trees St palms moved. Lawna, land cleared graded, fencing, cacti gardens, ate Dial 2-X571 PAINTING DECORATING' DIAL 3-0725 for painting, bondexing and spraying: plaster patching. PAINTING at living prices. Free esti-mates. Phone 3-9507.

A. D. KILLE, painting and paperhang-ing contractor: free estimates. 3243 Benson Hiway. Dial 3-7851.

PAINTING, workmanship, materials guaranteed. Estimate. Mills. 5-4621, KE LIABLE contractor, painting, spraying, bondexing at low cost, free estimate. Call 3-4853 ASSOCIATED PAINT CO.

PAINTER by hr. or contract. See our Deep Tone panels at 817 E. Broadway. Free estimates and decorator's service.

Dial 3-1 58 INTERIOR, free estimates: licensed: reas. Ben Hall 5-4626 R. NICHOLAYSEN. Painting drco-rating. Free estimates.

Dial 5-947. PATIO WALLS PATIO WALLS as low as 82 S3 per running foot. Free est. 5-7591. BEAUTIFUL patios, stepping stones patio shade.

Free estimates. 1136 N. Stone. 3-5429 PIANO REBl ll.OINO HAVE A NEW PIANO made out of your old one by a piano manufacturer. Tuning and repair.

Spencer Co 321 S. Campbell. 3-1652. PIXMBI.XG, HEATING PLUMBING, heating, cooling. Free estimate, licensed.

s44 FTAL' BARTLETT. New installation. Remod. Rep RejLSery. Dial 2-3093 CAL'S PLUMBING LEW ALLEN Repairs.

New Installations 3038 N. Fremont Dial 2-2iS2 PUMPS BKHKELEY JET PUMPS POWER HOME FOU1P, CO 133 6TH AVE DIAL 3-3696 PUMP REPAIRING Tucson Pump Repair Co Sales and Service Promot, Efficient Repairs Instals. Agents for Byron Jackson A Heda. Sj44 Los Altos Dial 4-0273 PUMP rep ser galv. pipe.

625 Gravbill. Dial 3-6412 Lee POWEH HOME EOUIP CO Mai 3-3696 133 6th Ave RADIO REPAIRING I.DAY RADIO REPAIR SERVICE RADIO-TRON1CS SERVICE CO r.57 N. 4th Ave. Phone 3-6712 CETS Radio 233 4th. 4-1873: Home auto sets.

Repairs (parking) RADIO repairs George, prompt A- efficient service. 1240 E. 5th. 2-0020. REPAIR ALL MAKES.

HIGH QUALITY WORK GUARANTEED 4if LEE. 5-5331. I jc reconditioning ana repairing InstallpMon of new refrigerators Parts St upplies 133 Ctta. JS-WJ6 RESTAURANT SUPPLIES HOTEL RESTAURANT SUPPLY. 2016 S.

41h Ave. Dial 2-6212. EVERYTHING in equipment, supplies. restaurants, hotels schools, ranches. institutions.

El Paso Hotel Supply. 112 S. Oregon St. El Paso. Texas: in Tucson Bob Douthat S-7293; Jack Weaver.

5-3741. ROOFING TUCSGN ROOFING SUPPLY C6T 822 N. 4th Dial 2-1 161 P. L. DAILY ROOFING Roofs of ell types.

Dial 3-2524 HOFFMAN Rocfine Paint Co. Re-roofing. 2558 N. Stone. Dial 4-C312r DOES YOUR roof leak Free inspection.

Hostetter Co. Dial 3-2349. Nights and Sundays call 2-6779. SAXI GRAVEL RED PLASTER sand, gravel, top soil. fill dirt, rock.

J. B. Gomez. 2-3076. GRAVEL, top soli, leeching rock, mortar, plaster, sand.

3-0738. Yank-ovic. 35 CHEAPER on top soil, fertilizer, sand A- g-avel. Dial 2-2993. IN A HURRY? Sand, gravel, top soO.

fill dirt, fertilizer, trenching machine for fields and foundations. Dial 5-4458 or 5 -9616. T.KT ELMER BINGHAM do your bulldozing, dlggine. disposal systems, clearing land. Deliver washed gravel 31.50 yd.

Other materials. Dial 5-7S)59. 3S CHEAPER Boulder rock, pea gravel 1" 3" rock for leaching beds, river gravel. Quick serv. 3-7261'.

RED PLASTER sand, top soil, flfl A- rock. Call Phil Stevens. 3-7761 SCHOOLS GATUN'S SECRETARIAL SCHOOL 996 S. Stone 4-0282 Indiv. Intl.

COX COMMERCIAL COLLEGE DAY AND EVENING CLASSES Southern Arizona's Oldest A Finest 7l 1M Stone SElVTXG MACHINES ANY MAKE repaired, djurtesl cleaned and oiled. Dial S-475L Ask for Mr. Conway. SINGER-Sewing Machines RENTES REPAIRED. BOUGHT St SOLD Dial 4-1932 C.

E. Patecell SEW. MACH SALES 130 W. Corg Bee uwouiuuiK 1 H-wuii mi dline saies service Kepairs for all makes. Stcinfeld's.

Dial 2-2893. LET Singei experts repair St reoofl-dltion your sewing machine. Gentt. me Singer parts free pickup wnd flellvery. Dial 2-7469 for estimate with smt obligation, singer Sewing afa chme Co SC E.

Cong-ess SLIP COVERS DRAPERIES, bedspreads and allt covers custom made. Dial 3-0089. SLIP COVERS, drapes. bedipreaoZ Dial 2-7706 or 2-8331. STORE EQUIPMENT ORAL TUCKER SAI.ES AGl New and osed.

321 N. 4th. Dial 3-2 HUSSMAN com'l. Refrig- new. rranx samueis uist.

to, mat 5-ieaa, XILM PLASTIC WALL TILE, indlvidnal tile Installed over existing walls and ceilings. Free estimates. Gibson Nick- ols 2737 N. Campbell. Dial 5-1312.

TYPEWRITERS, Sales Scrrlcw Ca talma Typewriter Co 316 N. A Ph. 9-1652. Guarantee repairs on all makes. UPHOLSTERING LESTER BENSON Upholstering JHB repairing.

41 4 E. 9th Dial 3-1552. BROOKS UPHOLSTERING AN'I) KB. PAIR. 2743 N.

CASTRO. 3-5002. THE FINEST work the lowest prices Mitchell Furn 75 Cons sea PETE'S upholstering and repairing! Phone 3-0912. 2015 S. 4th.

UPHOLSTERY CLEANING Furniture Rebuilding PrrrtrrrtngT Fabrics Supplies 113 E. Prince Rd Ph. 3-7479 VACUUM'CL EA ERS GUARANTEED service, ill makes, -NFTL APPLIANCE CO 417 4th. WASHING MACHINES MAYTAG 34-HR. SERVICE ON ALL MAKES BEACH WASHER APP.

CO. AUTHORIZED DEALER 170 W. CONGRESS DIAL 3-9091 NEIL WASHER SERVICE. Dial 2-0072. Repairing on all makes of washers.

MAYTAG headquarters for 10 years. Let experts repair your washer Call 9-2893. Stelnf eld's Appliance Store. 101 CONGRESS WELL DRILLING CARL PISTOR DRILLING CONTRACTOR Cot. 25th S.

4th Ave. Dial 2-7212. WELL CASING O'Donnell. Suneson 6407 So. 6th.

Emery Pk.1 2-7698 WELL DRILLING, 6 and 8-inch wells. Waiter Bopp. Dial 3-8731 43 S. 6th FORSYTH DRILLING CO 423 E. Mabel Dial 3-3931 A.

A McDANIEL. drilling contractor! 1208 Roger Rd. Ph. 3-6422. LOST AND FOUND, ULTIMATELY YOU' WILE DRINK RAINBOW WATER LOST, on March 13th at Tucson air-port terminal building, diamond, pearl sapphire ring, sentimental value, substantial reward.

Virginia Graves, 12 WUdwood Rd Medford, Mass. LOST Pink shelled rEn glasses. Thursday. Name on frame. Dial 5-7596.

FOUND. 2 ladies wrist watches. 3-167T, LOST, amber locket near Pima Ave. or post office, reward. 31C2 S.

8th. LOST. 1 Boxer, female: 1 America fox hound, female: 1 black Pit Bull- dog. Liberal reward. Call 8-9317.

LOST light tortoise shelled bifocal glasses. Also silver Ronson lighter. Initials S.H S. Reward. Dial 3-8962.

PERSONALS TEA READINGS 200 Ph. 3-8611 for appointment. PSYCHIC READER Solve ties, teacup reading. Thursday eve nings, SO cents. Gladys Meaahanv 3926 E.

Fairmount. Special $2 Reading Mrs. Arlene, born spiritual psycMa. Helps and advises on all problems. 2800 Oracle Rd Motel.

GUARANTEED work by Radio St Television Service. 29 80. Church. 3-1141. FOR health, reasons desire to Sell 6 lease going nursery school.

Ph. 8-6883. "I am not responsible for any debts other than my own. Signed E. Ross Wright.

L.A., Calif." BABY DRESSER 1-6 Frilly Easter' dresses bonnets to match. Expertly hand stade. 4-2360. 2831 E. BroadV way.

Steam Baths St Message. Georgia Masseuse. Ph. 3-8611, If In Doubt Ask This Famous Seer He has a message for you. La Ross points out the sure road to success in business, love, marriage, health, happness.

domestic and personal affairs; knows what Is best to do and how and when to do it. South Tucson Hr. 10 a.m. to 7 m. 1600 S.

Sth Ave. URANIUM PROSPECTORS RANCHERS As a private investor I will be IB the Tucson area about I week looking for an uranium deposit. If you thir.k you have an uranium deposit and will lease it so someone can develop it, send in sample to S. P. Fay.

Wild Horse Ranch. Route 1, Box 47. I will test your samole with Geiger Counter and will inform you bq mail personally whether or not you have radioactive material. Give full name and detail return address so I can contact you personally if you have material worthy of further jrvestigation. DOES YOUR CHILD have difficulty in reading.

Lessons given. 5-2417. Alcoholics Anonymous D1 A 5-1 552 BOX 4432 PSYCHIC reader. Advice, all Fubiecti: Mrs. Edwards.

2107 S. 4th. 2-78S7. STEAM BATH A massage. Z2T-iS'.

Stone Pul ELLEN STEWART. Chiropodist, foot correctionist 201 N. Church. Dial 3-4381. HOME care children under 6.

840 a month. Ptel S-OM6. LEARN TO DRIVE ARIZONA DRIVING SCHOOL PHONE 3-1022 Harold Rvan. special agt. rep.

The PRUDENTIAL Ins Co. of America 272 E. Cor-gress Dial 4-0S21 Difficult problems confidentially dii-cussed. Elizabeth Buliock. Dial 2-3174 SMALL FRY play school.

Ages 3 to 6. Kindergarten. 5-002i. TINYTOT Kindergarten nursery school. 2-6 340)N ountain 2-6641 MRS.

LEWIS Are you unhappy, unlucky. 1n doubt, perplexed'' Have others failed to help you? Then consult this talented, gifted reader. One visit will convince the most skeptical Satisfaction assured 3725 Deedwav 32 SPECIAL READING 32 Difficult problems confidentially discussed Elizahoth Bullock. Dial 2-3174. BABIES ATTENTION 2 mos 2 yrs Bab'-land Nursery.

3314 E. Grant Rd 5-4659. WHISKEY. 4-YEAR STRAIGHT Finest aeed. full 5th.

$4.10 BROADWAY VILLAGE DRUG HrS EL (JP) A method of forecasting tidal waves resulting from earthquakes was reported today to a sectional meeting of the Seismological Society of America. Although still in preliminary form, it should be able when fully developed to give advance warning of disastrous waves such as those which occasionally hit vulnerable shore lines of Hawaii, Japan and other places In the Pacific. The method was developed and reported by Prof. Maurice Ewing, Ivan Tolstoy and Frank Press of Columbia university. New York.

It was financed 'by the Air Materiel Command of the U. S. Air Forces: The researchers found that earthquakes which produce tidal waves, or Tsunamis as they are technically called, also produce sound waves of a very low frequency. Sound Is Faster The sound waves travel nearly 10 times as fast as the tidal waves and in the same direction. The sound waves can be picked up by ordinary earthquake recording devices but specially designed sound detecting instruments probably would work better, the researchers said.

The basic part of the discovery was made simply by studying the seismograph records of earth quakes Avhich have produced Tsun amis in the last 15 years. On these records the researchers found small wigly lines which were recorded after the earthquake shocks. Prof. Ewing identified these lines as sound wave records. Four times out of five when the seismograph recorded sound waves a tidal wave originated near the point of the shocks.

Seismographs are not built to record sound waves very well. With proper sound recording linked to seismographs it should work 100 per cent, the researchers believe. Tell-Tale Signals They found tell-tale sound sig nals in the seismograph record of the Japanese quake of December 21, 194G. That quake produced a tidal wave which killed 1,500 people and destroved 2,000 houses. Three other quakes which sent big waves out Into the Pacific produced similar warning signals.

However, the seismographs did not pick up a sound wave from the Aleutian island quake of April 1, 1946, which produced huge waves and much damage at Hilo, Hawaii The sound wave may have been there but the seismographs did not detect It, Prof. Ewing said. There also was one instance in which a sound wave was produced but there was no subsequent word of a Tsunami. It might have produced only a small and little no ticed wave, the researchers said. Not all quakes under or near the ocean produce Tsunamis and sound wave records.

Only those which produce vibrations at the right angle for wave propagation do this, Prof. Ewing reported. In the Pacific, the Tsunami-pro- ding quakes come from points such as those off the Japanese coast and off the Aleutians. Unless the" West Indies and from quakes near the Dominican Republic. Fertilize NOW BERMUDA LAWNS SHRUBS and TREES Tucson Fertilizer Co.

S337 N. Country Club Dial 5-7311 GRASS SEEDS-COMM. PERT. A BLACK TOP DRIVES Free Estimates Dial 5-7311 for the RICHARDS PAVING CO. BEADY-MIX CONCRETE WASHED ROCK AND SAND ARIZONA MATERIALS PHONE 5-7311 REILLY UNDERTAKING COMPANY Save Hall On Tonr Funeral Bill Undertakers With A Heart Dial 2-2009 Dr.W.S.Lachner Paying Special Attention to Platework and Extractions 79 North Stone Dial 2-1761 Opposite the Pioneer Hotel INSURANCE In All Its Branches (J.

Will) (Roy HOWELL 9 E. Pennington Dial 3-0501 Dr. M. A. WUERJCHMIDT OPTOMETRIST Where good GLASSES are made Dial 3-6271-73-77 E.

Broadway SPECIALISTS la Motor Tnne-ap Carburetor, Ignition, Speedometers, Auto-Electric Service and Parts Southwest 247 N. Stone Auto Electric Company Dial Knights Templar will be held at this slanting ocean bottom exists 8:00 p. m. Sundav in the red room to give the wave the proper start, of the Masonic Temple, 160 South no tidal wave follows, Prof. Ewing Scott street, with Bethel No.

2al1' For ALL DEPARTMENTS of Tucson Newspapers, Inc. Open Sunday 8 to 4 Ad alphabetically arranged directory of business specializing in services such as contractors, landscaping, vacuums fans washers, lighting equipment and beating. Acreage Apartments-Unfurnished Loans-Money SS Real Estate 90 A Lost Found 9 Lots for Sale 83 Money Loans SB Motorcycles 98 Mlsc for Sale 53 Misc for Rent 81 A Out of Town Rentals SI A Out of Town Property S4A Personals Ptry. eggs. te a Radios Musieallnstr SB Real Estate-Exchange 87 Wanted 88 Rest Homes Tl Resorts 79 Situation Wasted Male 11 Maie.FemalellA Female 19 Suburban Property 88 Room Without Board 78 Rm Board Wanted T4A Rm Board 74 Trailer Courts 79 Used 99 Travel Oppos IS Trucks For Rale 93 For Rent 93A Want to Invest 14 Wanted to Buy 88 Wanted to Rent 83 Furnished Autos Repairing Painting For Sale For Rent SI A 23 S3A Wanted Bus Directory Bus Opport'y Bus Property Bus Rentals Bicycles 1 88 81 S3 30 B2A Clothing tor Sale Convalescent Guests 78 Dogs, Cats.

Pets Dude Ranches 78A Employ Agency 8 Guest Ranches for Sale 88A Farms, Ranches S3 Guest Houses Hotels IT Help Wanted Male Male.Femals SA Female 10 H'sehold Goods H'sek'p'g R'ms 76 Houses for Rent Furnished 81 Unfurnished 82 Bouses for Sale Open for Sale 85 Income Prop'ty 89 Let's Swap 83 Livestock 80 ANTIQUES LOYD'S ANTIQUES. Colored glass, china, general line. 2632 N. Stone. WE buy and sell ANTIQUES, china, jewelry, BOOKS.

SCHAFFERS. 49 Broadway. Dial 3-2102 3-4671 ANTIQUES, varied selection. 383v E. 2nd at Alvemon.

Ph. 5-4648. APPLIANCE? MAINTENANCE NEIL Appliance Service Irons. Lamps. Vacuums 417 N.

4th, Power Home Equip. Co. Service We repair aU makes radios, refrigerators, irons, toasters, mixers, vacuums, fans, washers, lighting equip ment and heating. 133 S. 6th Dial 3-3696 BEAUTY SHOP EASTER SPECIAL Cold waves 810.

Dial 2-1201. VoBueBeajutyShppJ SPRING specials on permanents. Roselene. 3-5521. Scott Congress.

Balcony Martin Drug No. 3. HOOK STOKES Books late issue magazines bought. traded. Book Nook.

47 W. Congress. BOOKS, magazines, bought, sold, ex-changed. Book Shop. 29 Convent.

BOOKKEKriG SERVICE TAX BOOKKEEPING service for small business. C. M. Morgan. Ph.

a-0771 622 N. 4th Ave. CABINET WORK THE BEST for less In cabinets. Wood Products Co. Ph.

2-1142. CUSTOM built cabinets, moveable office partiUons. Complete altera-tions. 5-1763. Rolls.

CABINET maker carpenter, custom-built repairs refinlshin. 5-5021. "CACTUS CACTUS landscaping, fences. FHA terms: licensed contractor. Ph.

3-6524 CARPENTER CARPENTER WORK. Hourly rate. 30 years expr. 5-5416. CARPENTER work.

new. remodeling, repairs, thorough workmanship, sen-sible rates. Painting. 5-6755. CEMENT WORKS CONCRETE firs, piT Tex Clopton 5-2501 for free estimate, license At references.

CEMENT curbs, fndtns. Patch work. Free est. Ph. 5-7591.

CONCRETE FLOORS Foundations, driveways, sidewalks. Immediate service. 5-8462. TIESSPOULS-SEPTIC TANKS MCCARTHY'S Septic System installed and cleaned. Free- insp.

and estimates. Lie. contractor. 327 F- Adams. Ph.

3-1485. CESSPOOLS cleaned, anywhere within 50 miles Tucson. Reasonable. Tousey's. 3-2S60.

HAYDEN 5-6451 EXCAVATION SERVICE Sewage systems, properly designed. Installed, repaired. House connec-tions. Our reputation your guarantee. COLONIAL Septic Tank Cesspools Service.

Dial 5-7731: 5-9871. LICENSED cesspool septic tank pumping. 1350 gallons 115. Dial 2- 9052. Sanitation Service.

PUMPING 1.000 gal. 12.50 dynamiting Ben H. "Judge" Landis. Work guar. 3-3601.

TONY F. WARD'S Cesspool Pumping T.TCKNSKD CONTRACTOR 4-1539 CESSPOOLS, septic tanks cleaned; licensed plumber. F. W. Ganz.

Plumbing Heafg. 1021 N. 3rd. 3-3731 WARD BROS. PUMPING 24-HOUR SERVICE Cesspools and septic tanks vacuum cleaned.

For reliable service dial 9-24U. Cesspool septic Tanks No Jot too big or too small. Call Bill. Dial 3-7871. M.

PUMPING CO. Cesspools septic tanks vac. cleaned. Latest prompt, reliable. Dial 8-0191.

TUCSON sanitary service, cesspool septic tanks cleaned. Free inspection. Day and night service. Ph. 2-9305 or 3- 5021.

Call Leroy. 7M E. Pastime. CESSPOOL TROUBLE Pumping and lines laid. Hugh Gal-laeher.

3-5731. 3756 N. First. CLOCK REPAIRING ALL CLOCKS repaired, lair prlceaT Dlal 3-1052 59 E. Miltenburg St, CLOTHES LINE ALL METAL revolving clothes Una Installed.

10 sq. ft. 5-6643 evenings. CONCRETE BLOCKS EBB WEBB. DIAL 3-2711 2847 N.

1ST AVE. QUALITY FOR LESS MONEY VISIT OUR GIANT 6-ACRE PLANT 4x6x13 4x8x13 84995 Blocks 859.95 SAVE ON CEMENT. SAND LIMB Don't let our low price frighted Sou. There are over 2.960.000 of our locks in the wall of Tucson CEMENT BLOCK CO. 849 E.


2651 COLUMBUS BLVD. 5-5791. New Concrete Blocks At Low Cost 4x8x16 Guaranteed Straight and Strong 4x8x12 $64.90 We have Round Square Comers: Round and Square Halves. Masonry and Portland Cement, Lime, Sand, Gravel and Ton Soil. Free Broken Blocks.

Come and Get Them. Perfect Block Co. 707 St. Mary's Road 2-8171 CONTRACTORS LICENSED general contractor, remodeling, new construction, 1st class carpenters. Lawrence Hickey.

5-1907. REASONABLE buildinR and remod-eliiTg: 20 yrs. ex p. Call 2-34S1. CEMENT, plastering, block laying, new construction and repairs.

Fariev Fenter. Ph. 2-8611. PREMIER CONST. Plastering, stucco.

5-8591, 4032 E. -Monta Vista Dr. LOWING block laving, con-tracting 3906 N. Park. Ph.

2-6796. PLASTERING, p'atchine. stucco work. Experienced workmen. Reasonable price.

141 6 N. Santa Rosa. 3-9826. PLASTERING contractors, S. G.

Chavez 920 Navajo. Dial 3-2792. Fee estimates PLASTERING LATHING 3-4256. N. Lucero.

Gen. Cont. GENERAL contractor, license state. city Building, remodeling estimates gladly given. Earl Dotson.

5-9937; CARPENTRY, first class workTT Roinestad, Licensed Contractor, Dial 8-7262. Order of Jobs Daughters, assisting. The public is invited. A total of 3,799 instruments, in- eluding 963 deeds, was filed during Marcn in tne otiice or Mrs. Anna Sullinger, Pima county recorder.

Fees for the month totaled $6,525.75. The Jewish Reading Circle will. hold its next meeting Monday, April 25, at 8:00 p. m. The book! revitw on "My Glorious Bretheren" i will be continued.

The meeting will be held at 837 North Fifth avenwe. April 18th's session has been cancelled. Meetings scheduled at the Fraternal Order of Eagles aerie, 3331 North Fourth avenue, for next1 weeK roiiow: iuonaay uoy acout'i Troop 42, 7:30 p. Tuesday each flier. The figures were based on costs to and from La Paz last year.

Chutes Worn I "Just in case," the three wore parachutes, something unusual In a lightplane. The 'chutes would provide clothing and shelter in the event of a force-down in wild jungle country. They also carried a carefully prepared "survival kit," composed of water-purifying chemicals, quinine, a good first aid kit, over a gallon of drinking water, spare on, tools, minor spare parts for plane and engine, hunting knives, tobacco and cigarettes for promoting friendship among the concentrated foods like D-rations familiar to GI's, dried and canned citrus, sleeping bags and enough warm clothing in case of a force- down in high altitude regions As if they didn't have enough I gear to handle in the rather small plane, there will be Kurth's four cameras: A Kodak Keflex, a liratiex K-10 (aerial camera), a 4x5 Graf lex, and a 35mm Leica. "The natives are camera-shy, for the most part," Kurth explained, "So the Leica, since it's easy to hide, will be used mostly for can did shots." Since he has 2,400 negatives along, he should be able to achieve his goal: "I want a good photo graphic record of El Salvador, Guatemala, the Yucatan and other Mava country. It would make a talk recently about the possibility that Russia may be "cooled off" by the growing economic and mili tary strength of the west.

Acheson says "the forces of liberty have gained the initiative." High British and American observers have pre dieted privately that there will be some move from Russia to lessen the tension, such as a lifting of the Berlin blockade. Propaganda War Russia still makes propaganda war on Finland. Iran and other neighbors, as well as on the west- powers. But there nave been no overt acts by the Communists since the Czech coup more than a year ago. This can hardly be accepted as a change in policy.

GroAving resist ance makes such moves more and more dangerous. Lenin reminded his followers that mountains should be climbed by zig-zagging, not by straight-up assault closing the door on Russian co operation, but admit any conciliatory gesture from Moscow would be examined with skepticism. They expect no real change in long-range Russian policy as long as its pres ient governmental system exists Thus they realize that the cold war may never be decided under present conditions. The big prob lem is to keep it from becoming Red Historical Pressure May Keep Cold War Smouldering By J. M.

ROBERTS JR. AP Foreign Affairs Analyst Secretary Acheson has formally joined the ranks of those who foresee no immediate possibility of ending the cold war. "I should like to say our troubles are, in my opinion, only temporary and that they will shortly disappear," he told the council of the inter-American defense organization. "But I cannot in honesty say Class War Bids on conversion of one and Russia calls it a part of the class three-quarters miles of Oracle roadlwai.f and teaches its children that into a four-lane, 64-foot highway there can be no compromise, that this." Winston Churchill didn't say it either, in his recent Boston ad- dress. Very few do say it.

Churchill said the west "may" not fall "if we perseverve steadfastly together." Acheson says "the outcome will be decided by our SEP and by unendins dili must eo on until governments have been wiped ana until tne wrorld has become Soviet. This theory, in Russian hands, has now become a part of the historical pressures which actuate nations regardless of ideologies. It a part of the expansionism which has marked Russian policy for hundreds of years. This has seen the men and lands of many races; and many languages incorporated intrt Ria -hirhl lauies auxiliary, numinauun oi oi-i ficers, 8:00 p. Wednesday midweek party, 8:30 p.

Thursday business session, 7:30 p. Friday old time dance, 8:30 p. Saturday weekly dance, 8:30 p. m. Dinah Shore Christens New Passenger Plane i BURBANK, April 15 (Jf) Singer Dinah Shore broke a bot-i tie of Maine spring water across i the nose of a big airliner today in the feature of a hands-across-the-1 nation ceremony.

The California-built 40-passenger Convair plane thus was christened! the "State of Maine" and took off soon afterward loaded with a mes- sage and gifts from California's! Governor Earl Warren to Maine's Governor Frederick G. Payne. Warren was represented by Mrs. Dora Shaw Hefener, daughter of former Maine attorney general, and Crooner Rudy Vallee, adopted son! of Maine, represented Payne. The airliner will go into service in the New England states for: Northeast Airlines.

Governor Payne previously had honored California's chief execu-; tive with appropriate gifts and the I spring water was flown specially! here for the christening. CALIFORNIA MAN IS VOTED SCOUT HEAD BISBEE, April .13. Jasper Steele, 35, of Brawley, a field; executive in the Imperial-Yuma council of Boy Scouts of America, was accepted for the position of scout executive of the Cochise county council at a meeting in the Copper Queen hotel Wednesday evening. The new executive will arrive In the district for the April camporal at Cochise stronghold, according to the plans announced by L. R.

Pet- district treasurer of the council. vlchi uuuotanuy jjumt will be opened by the state way department In Phoenix next Wednesday, W. C. Lefebrve, state highway engineer, announced yesterday. The 64-foot construction will be between the north end of Miracle Mile and Rogers road.

From that point to the narrow bridge across the Rillito, pavement will be 40 feet. Lefebrve said the narrower pav ing between Rogers road and the Rillito is necessary because it Is tr. tv, oriage ana remove some aangerous An attempt will be made to include funds for this work in the budget for the next fiscal year. MOIST EASTER PHOENIX, April 15. (JF) Milady's bonnet may not get wet Easter Sunday, but it may be wilted somewhat.

The U. S. Weather Bureau here today predicted clear and warm weather Sunday with no rain In sight. is of by by was once a relatively small tviot tvioir Via nr. jiying Detween Europe and Asia, Theory Explained The theory is what makes the east-west conflict one for control the world.

Such a conflict may move in phases, may be broken periods of truce or by indecisive wars. But it Is not decided until one Idea or the other is accepted; people everywhere, or until de veloping history has produced modification compromise or both. There has been a great deal of a hot war until historical deTelop-Urson, ments pomt the way to solution. Cochise.

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Name: Dong Thiel

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