Easy Hot Bacon Dressing Recipe (2024)

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by Kellie April 18, 2021

No spinach salad is complete without an easy Hot Bacon Dressing recipe to top it off. This simple Bacon Vinaigrette is quick to whip up and a great way to use up those leftover bacon drippings from your morning breakfast.

Easy Hot Bacon Dressing Recipe (1)

We’re big bacon fans here and, lucky for us, I always keep a good stash of bacon in the freezer at all times. Aside from the usual bacon on Saturday mornings, we love to use it to elevate the flavors of our favorite recipes like a weekday meatloaf.

Since I’m not the biggest fan of salads, I love to add bacon to my greens anyway I can and that includes dousing them in this easy Hot Bacon Dressing. It’s tangy, sweet and rich with bacon flavor….and it’s ready in minutes.

My first encounter with Hot Bacon Vinaigrette was in the south on a simple spinach salad. The flavor is out of this world when drizzled over a pile of greens but it’s a classic on spinach salad with chopped egg and sliced mushrooms. It’s the perfect homemade salad dressing to put on ALL THE THINGS.

Easy Hot Bacon Dressing Recipe (2)

Table of Contents

Hot Bacon Dressing

A southern classic vinaigrette, Hot Bacon Dressing is made of warm bacon drippings, a sweetener like sugar or honey, minced shallots, a hit of vinegar and simple seasonings like salt and pepper.

You just whisk everything together until thick and creamy then use it to top your favorite greens like spinach, kale, green beans or even Brussels sprouts!

How To Serve It

We love to serve our warm bacon dressing over this bright and fruity spinach salad but it’s also a great substitute for melted butter on these crisp green beans or stir it into some grilled potatoes for an extra pop of flavor.

Easy Hot Bacon Dressing Recipe (3)


  • While this is a great way to use up leftover bacon fat which I store in the fridge to make things like popcorn or scrambled eggs, it’s best if you make your bacon fresh in the same skillet you’ll whisk up your vinaigrette.
  • To make the bacon dressing in advance, remove the bacon from the skillet and finish making the dressing in the pan. Allow to cool to room temperature and transfer to an airtight container. Store in the fridge for up to 5 days. Store the bacon in a separate container and warm for 10 seconds on a paper towel lined plate until crisp.
  • To reheat your bacon dressing, microwave for 20 second increments at high power stirring until smooth and warmed through. Alternatively, you can warm the dressing in a small saucepan over low heat.
  • Substitute the honey in the dressing for brown sugar, granulated sugar or your favorite low calorie sweetener.
  • Switch up the vinegar called for in the bacon dressing with champagne vinegar, red wine vinegar or even balsamic vinegar for a bolder flavor.
Easy Hot Bacon Dressing Recipe (4)

More Easy Salad Dressing Recipes

If you like this easy dressing recipe, you may also love this easy Apple Cider Vinaigrette….it’s on repeat almost daily here because it’s a cinch to make. We also love this easy Blue Cheese Dressing and this super simple Thousand Island Dressing.

Want something a little spicier, this fire roasted Pineapple Jalapeno Dressing is amazing as is this Avocado Ranch Dressing...it’s OMG…DELISH!

DON’T MISS A RECIPE! Follow us on Instagram and Facebook for more easy family recipes!

Easy Hot Bacon Dressing Recipe (6)

Easy Hot Bacon Dressing Recipe (7)

Get the Recipe:Easy Hot Bacon Dressing Recipe

Yield: 6

Prep Time: 5 minutes mins

Total Time: 5 minutes mins

Quick and easy, Hot Bacon Dressing is the ultimate vinaigrette recipe you can put on just about anything.

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  • 8 pieces thick-sliced bacon, chopped
  • 1 tablespoon minced shallots
  • 3 tablespoons apple cider vinegar
  • 1 1/2 teaspoon honey
  • 1/2 teaspoon Dijon mustard
  • Kosher salt and freshly ground black pepper


  • skillet



Best served soon after making.

Calories: 207kcal, Carbohydrates: 2g, Protein: 6g, Fat: 19g, Saturated Fat: 6g, Cholesterol: 32mg, Sodium: 323mg, Potassium: 95mg, Sugar: 1g, Vitamin A: 18IU, Calcium: 2mg, Iron: 1mg

Author: Kellie

Course: salad dressing, starter

Cuisine: American

posted in: Gluten-Free, Jams, Condiments and Sauces, Pork, Recipes, Salads 32 comments

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    32 Comments on “Easy Hot Bacon Dressing Recipe”

  1. Anastasia Reply

    Awesome dressing recipe. This is one of the few on the internet that ACTUALLY uses not only the bacon fat, but not white sugar and/or corn syrup for the sweetness. Tastes like the fancy, way-too-expensive steakhouse salad dressing. Thank you so much.

    • Kellie Reply

      You’re so welcome! Thank you for your comment!

  2. Janet Smith Reply

    Where are the shallots in the recipe?When you describe the dressing you said that there were shallots but there are no shallots in the recipe!

    • Kellie Reply

      Thanks, Janet! I fixed the recipe instructions to include the shallots. Apologies for the oversight!

  3. Janet Smith Reply

    This dressing came out so good it will definitely be on the rotation thank you so much!!!!!!

  4. Judy Reply

    do you add the bacon bits back into the dressing or just top the salad with them or…..?

    • Kellie Reply

      I just sprinkle them on the salad.

  5. Dinah Reply

    Mom’s recipe was a bit thick and sticky. We loved it. Will using honey make your recipe a bit thick and sticky?

    • Kellie Reply

      It could definitely make it sticky but I think it may have been the quantity used in the recipe.

  6. Jen A. Reply

    Easy & delicious. Will add this to my family’s recipe box for sure!

    • Kellie Reply

      Thank you!

  7. Michelle Mundell Reply

    This was so easy to make and absolutely delish! I doubled the recipe except the bacon I used 9-10 strips. Perfect addition for my grilled chicken spinach and strawberry salad.

    • Kellie Reply

      Yes! That sound like the perfect salad for this dressing!

  8. Dolores Hansen Nelson Reply

    I’m not sure what I’m doing wrong, but I’ve tried three different recipes. In each case, the amount of dressing wasn’t enough for the amount of spinach. I also think I am using bacon that is too lean and should get some that has more fat. Any clues?

    • Kellie Reply

      Definitely can be that your bacon is too lean and not yielding enough fat.

  9. Jen Reply

    So, so, so good. Where has this been all my life! It’s perfect. It’s so funny how the simple things are the best things!

    • Kellie Reply

      I agree! Thank you for your comment!

  10. Laura Reply

    I really want to make this tonight but I am stumped on how this recipe will yield 6 servings when there are only 5 TBL of liquid ingredients. All the other bacon recipes I have looked at call for 1/3 C water……No Water in this??

    • Kellie Reply

      No water in this but it will tighten up so feel free to add some water (I suggest 1 tablespoon at a time) until the desired consistency.

  11. Rod Reply

    I made this recipe pretty much to the instructions, and it was absolutely delicious. I was so excited, I forgot to add the salt and pepper, but really didn’t miss it. I also used red onions instead of shallots, to make the dressing and added two hard-boiled eggs, sliced to the recipe. Maybe I didn’t follow the recipe as close as I originally thought, lol. We used fresh spinach from the garden and it made two pretty good size salads, for me and my wife. The next time I am going to try adding strawberries instead of the hard boiled eggs to give it more of a citrus twist . So good!!

    • Kellie Reply

      Thank you for your comment and for sharing your twist on our favorite dressing. I do love it with strawberries, too!

  12. Susanne Reply

    I just made this. Amazing! I have literally achieved salad nirvana! Thank you for this great recipe

    • Kellie Reply

      You’re very welcome! I too, love salad nirvana. 🙂

  13. Lynn Reply

    How much is one serving (cups, tablespoons, etc)?

    • Kellie Reply

      2 tablespoons = 1 serving

      • Lynn Reply

  14. Sue A Edington Reply

    I had this dressing in a restaurant once and have been looking for the recipe ever since. Thank youi.

    • Kellie Reply

      Thank you for your comment! We love this one.

  15. Stephen Andrews Reply

    It was very tasty and I will make again. It wasn’t however in anyway creamy. But the again, I have never had one that was.

    • Kellie Reply

      So happy you liked it!

  16. Hillary Reply

    Can I use white vinegar?

    • Kellie Reply

      Yes, it will just have a much more pronounced vinegar flavor instead of the hint of sweetness.

Easy Hot Bacon Dressing Recipe (2024)
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