Flag of Iraq - Complete Guide 2024 (2024)

The Republic of Iraq has had a long and turbulent history since its modern borders were first established after World War One. In that century of history there have been many flags for many governments, so here we plan to give you the definitive guide to the flag of Iraq! What does it represent, what’s its history and what were some of the old Iraqi flags before the one we have now?

Current Flag of Iraq

Flag of Iraq - Complete Guide 2024 (1)

So this is the current flag of Iraq. A red, white and black tricolour with some green text in the middle. Let’s start with the most interesting bit, what does the text mean? Well it’s a common Arabic phrase, one of the most common and least understood there is. “God is the Greatest”, most commonly known in its Romanized Arabic “Allahu Akbar”. For a lot of people, this phrase represents a chilling ode of terrorism, but to the average Muslim or even non-Muslim Arab, it’s as natural to express as saying “Thank God” would be to the average westerner.

The term for the phrase is ‘Takbir’ and it’s used in a lot of contexts. Naturally you’d hear it as a call to prayer from Mosques and commonly used in religious events of all kinds, but it’s also just a common expression. A new baby has been born: “Allahu Akbar!” You just witnessed a horrific tragedy: “Allahu Akbar!” Your favourite football team just scored a goal, of course you cry “Allahu Akbar!” in joy. Even Arab Christians say it all the time. After all, Allah isn’t a separate God, it’s just the Arabic name for God.

Now for the colours. You may notice that these are the same colours used by Syria, Yemen, Egypt and Sudan. That’s not an accident. These colours are originally taken from the Egyptian revolution of 1952 and were designed to represent Arab liberation. A number of countries that rallied to that call, particularly in the days of Nasser’s rule of Egypt, decided to adopt it in solidarity with the cause.

The exact meaning of the colours changes depending on the country, but the official explanation for the flag of Iraq is that they allude to a poetic verse by the famed 14th century Iraqi warrior poet Ṣafiddīn al-Ḥilli: “Our actions are bright, our battlefields are dark, our lands are green, and our swords are red with the blood of our enemies”. This also explains the green Takbir.

So there you go, that’s the flag of Iraq summarized. But there’s a whole lot more to this story. How about we take a step back…

Flag of Ba’athist Iraq

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This is the flag Iraq had from 1991 to 2004. Very similar, but a few very noticeable differences. What’s with the green stars? And why is the script different? The green stars are notably exactly the same as Syria’s flag, only this time there’s three of them. This leads way back to the attempted United Arab Republic formed between Egypt and Syria in the late 1950s. For a time, those two countries had the same flag with two green stars representing the two states. Iraq decided to go with three stars to signal its intent to one day join the union…

This never came to pass. In the end, the meaning of the stars was changed to represent the three tenets of Iraqi Ba’athism: Unity, freedom and socialism.

Now hold on a moment, what’s Ba’athism? It was the system of government Iraq lived under during the era of Saddam Hussein. And in fact, it’s still the system of government today in Syria! So Syria has the same ideology as Saddam’s Iraq? No, not really! Yes, it is confusing! Ba’athism is one of those annoying ideologies that long ago was formed with a unifying ideal: Arab unity and some vague notion of socialism. This flimsy framework inevitably meant that governments built around it still pursued wildly different policy objectives, which is a big reason why Iraq and Syria never united despite decades of sharing a border and having Ba’athist governments.

But anyway, what about the Takbir? Why’s the script different? The 2004-present version uses a standard Kufic script that’s easily legible. The version from 1991 meanwhile, allegedly, uses Saddam Hussein’s own handwriting. This is even weirder when you consider that Ba’athism is supposed to be a secular ideology and indeed, the flag had been with the three stars but no Takbir all the way since 1963. What had changed in those nearly 30 years? Well, mass devastation in the Iraq-Iran war for one, not to mention ruinous economic sanctons.

The Ba’athist regime was in turmoil and many have suggested that the pivot towards Islam was a way to shore up support from religious conservatives, as well as allegedly to prevent the flag of Iraq being defaced during the incoming invasion of Kuwait.

When Saddam was deposed in 2003, the first step for the new flag of Iraq was taking his handwriting off the damn thing. For a time, the flag of Iraq maintained those three green stars but with the Kufic script as a replacement. But as the stars were so closely aligned with Ba’athism, Iraqi Kurds who suffered mass-murder and genocide under the Saddam regime protested for their removal. It wasn’t until 2008 that the stars were finally removed… To the consternation of many Iraqi Arabs. You can’t please everybody.

Pre-Ba’athist Iraq Flag

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Now things are getting interesting, this is totally different! This was the flag of the original Iraqi republic, formed after a military coup in 1958 and hoisting this brand new flag in 1959. The black, white, green and red most prominent in the flag are the colours of pan-Arabism, which you can see in many other flags throughout the region, albeit usually with the red coming in as a triangle from the left side. The choice to do the red as a star is to represent the Star of Ishtar, invoking ancient Mesopotamian history native to the land. And the yellow? The yellow represents the Iraqi Kurds, with a yellow sun being a prominent feature of Iraqi Kurdistan’s flag today.

This flag was not long lived. It came into force in 1959 and was gone in 1963. The leader of the country during this time was prime minister Abd al-Karim Qasim, who took power via military coup. He was an Iraqi nationalist but not a Ba’athist or a pan-Arabist and after a period of increasing unpopularity and surging pan-Arab sentiment, a Ba’athist coup had him murdered and desecrated on TV for all the public to see, then this briefly existing flag of Iraq was consigned to the dustbin of history.

Kingdom of Iraq Flag

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Now here’s another flag of Iraq that might look familiar. It’s looking even more like some of the other countries in the region! This is even more directly a take on the pan-Arab flag, though the traditional red triangle has been changed to a trapezoid. And what about those two white stars? You might recognize them from the flag of modern day Jordan. There’s a reason for that. It’s the symbol of the Hashemite dynasty, the ruling royal family in Jordan and at this time, also the royal family in Iraq, briefly Syria and also Hejaz, a now defunct state in the Arabian peninsula. Symbolically, the two stars represent the Tigris and Euphrates rivers.

So this flag of Iraq was in place from 1924 to 1959, the longest lasting flag design in Iraq’s history. It is not, however, a flag many Iraqis pine for as it represented a time when Iraq was at first mostly ruled by the British, with the Hashemite king serving as little more than a puppet, then following independence it was as if they were a client state of Jordan.

Instability rocked this government throughout its lifetime and when the king decided to form a union with Jordan to counter Nasser’s pan-Arab union, the Iraqi military decided it was time to act. A coup was launched, the king, much of the royal family and other officials were assassinated and the rather short-lived republic was proclaimed.

There was another flag before this, but really, it’s just the same as above with the trapezoid extended to a triangle and the two stars removed. This existed from 1921 to 1924 when Iraq was merely a British mandate. It’s a variation of the flag of the Arab revolt, whose influence can be seen across many flags to this day. Countries like Iraq, Syria, Egypt and Yemen instead continue to carry the legacy of Nasser’s pan-Arabism, a dream that’s long gone but still etched into memory on the flag of Iraq, through Ba’athist coup to Saddam dictatorship and today under its present government.

But that’s not the only flag of Iraq, it should be noted! There’s a whole separate flag for Iraqi Kurdistan. Thankfully we have a whole separate article on the flag of Iraqi Kurdistan, which you can feel free to read right here!

Want to join us on a tour to Iraq? Check out our current Iraqi Tour schedule.

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Dominic Perry

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Flag of Iraq - Complete Guide 2024 (2024)


What does the text on the Iraq flag say? ›

On 13 January 1991, the flag was modified by Flag Law No. 6 of 1991. At the instigation of President Saddam Hussein, the takbīr (the phrase Allahu akbar, meaning "God is the greatest" in Arabic) was added in green between the stars. The form of the takbīr was said to be Saddam's own handwriting.

What does the black on the Iraq flag mean? ›

three equal horizontal bands of red (top), white, and black; the Takbir (Arabic expression meaning "God is great") in green Arabic script is centered in the white band; the band colors derive from the Arab Liberation flag and represent oppression (black), overcome through bloody struggle (red), to be replaced by a ...

What is the inscription on the Iraq flag? ›

national flag consisting of three equal horizontal stripes of (from top to bottom) red, white, and black with the inscription in Kufic script “Allāhu akbar” (“God is great”) arranged horizontally in the centre of the white stripe. The flag has a width-to-length ratio of 2 to 3.

Why did they remove the stars from the Iraqi flag? ›

But the banner's three stars have disappeared in a bid to strip the flag of a key reminder of Saddam Hussein's rule, reports Al Jazeera. [T]hree green stars in the centre, which represented Saddam's Baath party motto of unity, freedom and socialism, have been removed. ...

What are people from Iraq called? ›

Answer and Explanation: People from Iraq are called Iraqi. The terms most common in Iraq are Iraqiyyun (the Arabic translation of ''Iraqi'') and Iraqiyan (the Kurdish translation of ''Iraqi''). It's important to remember that all of these terms mean Iraqi, referring to someone who is a member of the country of Iraq.

What religion is Iraq? ›

Islam is the country's official religion. According to official statistics from 2020, 95-98 % of the population is Muslim (approximately 64-69 % Shia and 29-34 % Sunni) [Key socio-economic indicators 2020, 1.1].

What is Iraq famous for? ›

Iraq is the birthplace of many significant historical achievements that affect life around the world today, from the earliest known writing system and innovations in irrigation to important agricultural developments like the first wheel and the first seed plow to significant scientific achievements like the division of ...

What does Iraq stand for? ›

As an Arabic word, عراق ʿirāq means "hem", "shore", "bank", or "edge", so that the name by folk etymology came to be interpreted as "the escarpment", such as at the south and east of the Jazira Plateau, which forms the northern and western edge of the "al-Iraq arabi" area.

What is the eagle on the Iraq flag? ›

The Eagle of Saladin (Arabic: نسر صلاح الدين, romanized: Nasr Ṣalāḥ ad-Dīn), known in Egypt as the Egyptian Eagle (Arabic: عقاب المصري, romanized: an-Nasr al-Miṣrī), and the Republican Eagle (Arabic: النسر الجمهوري, romanized: an-Nasr al-Jumhūrī), is a heraldic eagle that serves as the coat of arms of many countries; ...

What flag is similar to Iraq? ›

which became the basis of the current flags of Egypt, Iraq, Sudan, Syria and Yemen (and formerly in the flags of the rival states of North Yemen and South Yemen), and in the short-lived Arab unions of the United Arab Republic and the Federation of Arab Republics.

What is the national symbol of Iraq? ›

Iraq's coat of arms displays a black and gold eagle holding a green banner with the words "The Iraqi Republic" written in Arabic. On the eagle's chest in a shield bearing the image from the Iraqi flag. Iraq's national flower in the rose and national bird is the chukar partridge.

What does the Arabic on the Iraq flag mean? ›

Meaning of the Flag

The colors of the Iraqi flag are what are known as “pan-Arab” colors that are found on other Arab nations' flags. The colors represent different traits and the religion of Islam. The national flag also features the Arabic expression “God is great” written in Kufic script.

What is the slogan of Iraq? ›

Iraq: God is the Greatest (Arabic: الله أكبر, Allahu Akbar). Ireland: No official motto.

What does the golden eagle represent in Iraq? ›

1- The eagle signifies the power and freedom of the Kurdish nation and its long history. 2- The golden colour of the eagle symbolises the richness of Kurdistan with its wealth of natural resources.

What is the Iraq symbol in text? ›

🇮🇶 Flag: Iraq Emoji.

Which country's flag says God is great? ›

Although the green-white-red stripes were retained, along the bottom of the green stripe and top of the red stripe a stylized Arabic inscription—“Allāhu akbar” (“God is great”)—was repeated 22 times in honour of the fact that the revolution had taken place on 22 Bahrām in the Iranian calendar.

What does the writing on the Taliban flag say? ›

According to Al Jazeera, the Taliban flag uses the shorter version of the Shahada, La ilah ila Allah, Mohammad rasoul Allah: “There is no god but God and Muhammad is God's messenger.”

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This tulip is comprised of four crescent-shaped petals and one stem, or sword, that form the word Allah and symbolize the five pillars of Islam. Nadimi also added a stylized Arabic inscription of the words Allahu Akbar, or God is great, across the bottom of the flag's green stripe and across the top of its red stripe.

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