Harnessing Your Inner Enneagram 6 Leader - Everyday Design (2024)

Are you an Enneagram 6? If so, you’re in the right place!

Enneagram 6's have the potential to be natural-born leaders if they learn how to channel their strengths effectively and develop strategies for overcoming any potential weaknesses or challenges associated with this type of personality.

There are nine Enneagram types, and each one has its own unique set of strengths and weaknesses. As an Enneagram 6, you have a unique approach to leadership that can be incredibly powerful. In this blog post, we'll explore how to harness the traits of an Enneagram 6 leader for success.

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Enneagram 6 and Leadership

Enneagram 6s are known for their loyalty, reliability, and sense of responsibility. This means that they often take on more than they can handle and can become overwhelmed.

As leaders, it is important to recognize when this happens and take steps to ensure that tasks are delegated effectively. It is also important to remember that as an Enneagram 6 leader, it is ok to ask for help when needed - even if it means admitting that you need help or taking a break from leading.

Another characteristic of Enneagram 6s is their analytical nature. This means that they are usually well-prepared for any task at hand and tend to be highly organized in their work. As leaders, this trait can be used in many different ways, such as having a clear vision for the team or setting up systems for effective communication between team members.

It is important to use these analytical qualities in a positive way by ensuring that tasks are completed in an efficient manner without sacrificing quality.

Lastly, as an Enneagram 6 leader, it is important to recognize your own strengths and weaknesses as well as those of your team members. It is essential to create a supportive environment where everyone feels valued and able to voice their opinions without fear of judgment or ridicule.

By doing this, you will foster a culture where team members feel appreciated and motivated to complete tasks with excellence - something all great leaders strive for!

Growing as Enneagram 6 Leader:

Enneagram 6s have many wonderful qualities that make them great leaders but sometimes, these same qualities can be detrimental if not managed properly. Recognizing your own strengths and weaknesses will help you lead with confidence while still being aware of potential pitfalls along the way. With practice and dedication, harnessing the traits of an Enneagram 6 leader could be just what your team needs to move forward into success.

Leaders should strive for empathy when leading - being mindful of how others feel in different situations will help you better understand what motivates them and how you can encourage them effectively in order to produce positive results within your team dynamic. Additionally, try not to focus too much energy on worrying about details - instead, trust that your team has got it covered so that you can move on to the bigger tasks at hand.

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Action Plan

As a leader who is a Type 6 on the Enneagram, here are some action steps that can be beneficial:

  1. Embrace Your Strengths: Recognize and embrace your strengths as a Type 6 leader. These may include being loyal, responsible, detail-oriented, and excellent at risk assessment. Use these qualities to your advantage in leading your team.
  2. Cultivate Trust: Type 6 leaders often have a natural inclination towards skepticism and can struggle with trust. Focus on building trust with your team by consistently demonstrating honesty, reliability, and trustworthiness. Make an effort to create an environment where trust thrives.
  3. Plan and Prepare: Leverage your ability to anticipate potential problems and strategize accordingly. Develop contingency plans and be prepared for various scenarios. Your planning and preparation skills can help ensure smooth operations and mitigate risks.
  4. Encourage Open Communication: Create a safe and open space for your team members to express their thoughts and concerns. Foster an environment where everyone feels comfortable sharing their ideas and opinions. Active listening and valuing diverse perspectives can enhance collaboration and innovation.
  5. Manage Anxiety: As a Type 6 leader, it's essential to manage anxiety and fear that may arise. Practice self-awareness and develop coping mechanisms to navigate stressful situations effectively. Seek support from mentors, coaches, or therapists if needed.
  6. Delegate and Empower: Avoid overburdening yourself by delegating tasks and responsibilities to capable team members. Trust in their abilities and provide them with the necessary resources and support to succeed. Empowering others fosters a sense of ownership and shared responsibility.
  7. Balance Caution with Action: While it's vital to assess risks and consider potential challenges, avoid getting stuck in analysis paralysis. Recognize when it's necessary to take calculated risks and make decisions promptly. Find a balance between caution and taking action.
  8. Focus on Positive Aspects: Type 6 leaders may have a tendency to focus on potential threats and worst-case scenarios. Practice shifting your focus towards the positive aspects of situations. Celebrate achievements, acknowledge progress, and inspire optimism within your team.

Remember, these action steps are general guidelines based on the traits associated with Type 6 leaders. Each individual is unique, so it's important to adapt these steps based on your own strengths, challenges, and the specific dynamics of your leadership context.

Frequently Asked Questions

Team Leadership

What is team leadership?

Team leadership is a management approach focused on leading and guiding a group of individuals working together towards a common goal. A team leader is responsible for providing direction, support, and guidance to the team members, while fostering a positive and productive work environment.

Team leadership involves setting clear goals and expectations for the team, communicating effectively, and building trust and relationships with team members. It also involves empowering team members to take ownership of their work and contribute their unique skills and perspectives to the team's success.

Some key characteristics of effective team leadership include:

  1. Communication: Team leaders communicate clearly and effectively with their team members, keeping them informed about goals, expectations, and progress.
  2. Vision and strategy: Effective team leaders have a clear vision for what they want to achieve and a strategy for how to get there, while also being flexible and adaptable when necessary.
  3. Empowerment: Good team leaders empower their team members to make decisions and take ownership of their work, while also providing support and guidance as needed.
  4. Trust-building: Team leaders build trust and strong relationships with their team members, creating a positive and productive work environment.
  5. Results-oriented: Finally, effective team leaders are results-oriented, focusing on achieving goals and driving performance while also valuing the well-being and development of their team members.

Overall, team leadership is a collaborative and empowering approach to management that values communication, trust-building, and results-driven performance.

Learn more about leadership.

What are the different styles of team leadership?

There are several different styles of team leadership, including:

  1. Democratic leadership: In this style, the leader encourages open communication and participation from all team members in decision-making processes.
  2. Autocratic leadership: This style involves the leader making decisions and taking control over the team's direction, often with little input from team members.
  3. Transformational leadership: This style focuses on inspiring and motivating team members to achieve their full potential, often by setting a clear vision and communicating goals effectively.
  4. Servant leadership: A servant leader prioritizes the needs of their team members, focusing on serving and empowering them to achieve their goals.
  5. Laissez-faire leadership: In this style, the leader provides minimal guidance or direction, allowing team members to take ownership of their work and make decisions independently.
  6. Transactional leadership: This style involves setting clear goals and expectations for team members and providing rewards or discipline based on performance.
  7. Situational leadership: This approach involves adapting one's leadership style to fit the specific situation or needs of the team at any given time.

Overall, each style of team leadership has its own strengths and weaknesses, and effective leaders may use a combination of different styles depending on the situation and the needs of their team.

Learn more about leadership.

What are the different skills required for team leadership?

There are several key skills required for effective team leadership, including:

  1. Clear: Team leaders must be to communicate effectively with their team members, setting clear expectations and goals, providing feedback, and keeping everyone informed about progress and changes.
  2. Active listening: Leaders need to be able to listen actively to their team members, hear their concerns, ideas, and suggestions, and work collaboratively to find solutions.
  3. Empathy: Good team leaders value empathy, recognizing and understanding the perspectives of their team members, and working to build trust and strong relationships
  4. Decision-making: Leaders must be able to make informed decisions based on available information and input from team members, while also being decisive when necessary.
  5. Problem-solving: Effective team leaders must be able to identify and solve problems that arise within the team, working collaboratively to find creative and effective solutions.
  6. Motivation and empowerment: Leaders must be able to motivate and empower their team members to take ownership of their work, overcome challenges, and achieve their full potential.
  7. Delegation and management: Team leaders must be able to delegate tasks effectively, manage resources and timelines, and oversee the work of the team to ensure quality and efficiency.

Overall, effective team leadership requires a combination of interpersonal, decision-making, and management skills, as well as the ability to inspire and empower team members to work collaboratively towards shared goals.

Learn more about leadership.

What is servant leadership?

Servant leadership is a leadership philosophy and management style that emphasizes the importance of serving others first before considering one's own needs and desires. It's an approach to leadership that focuses on the well-being and growth of others, rather than solely on achieving organizational goals.

A servant leader prioritizes the needs of their followers or team members, providing them with support, guidance, and mentorship. They are committed to empowering their team members to reach their full potential and achieve their goals.

Some common characteristics of servant leaders include:

  1. Empathy: Servant leaders value empathy, placing themselves in the shoes of their followers to better understand their needs and motivations.
  2. Listening: They are active listeners, taking the time to listen to their followers' concerns, feedback, and ideas.
  3. Commitment to development: Servant leaders prioritize the growth and development of their followers, providing opportunities for learning and development.
  4. Humility: They recognize their own limitations and seek input from others to make informed decisions.
  5. Stewardship: Servant leaders view themselves as stewards of their organization, working to create a positive impact for all stakeholders.

Overall, servant leadership is about creating a supportive and empowering environment for others to thrive. By prioritizing the needs of their followers, a servant leader can inspire trust, loyalty, and commitment, ultimately leading to better outcomes for the organization as a whole.

Learn more about how to cultivate servant leadership.

Servant Leadership

What is servant leadership?

Servant leadership is a leadership philosophy and management style that emphasizes the importance of serving others first before considering one's own needs and desires. It's an approach to leadership that focuses on the well-being and growth of others, rather than solely on achieving organizational goals.

A servant leader prioritizes the needs of their followers or team members, providing them with support, guidance, and mentorship. They are committed to empowering their team members to reach their full potential and achieve their goals.

Some common characteristics of servant leaders include:

  1. Empathy: Servant leaders value empathy, placing themselves in the shoes of their followers to better understand their needs and motivations.
  2. Listening: They are active listeners, taking the time to listen to their followers' concerns, feedback, and ideas.
  3. Commitment to development: Servant leaders prioritize the growth and development of their followers, providing opportunities for learning and development.
  4. Humility: They recognize their own limitations and seek input from others to make informed decisions.
  5. Stewardship: Servant leaders view themselves as stewards of their organization, working to create a positive impact for all stakeholders.

Overall, servant leadership is about creating a supportive and empowering environment for others to thrive. By prioritizing the needs of their followers, a servant leader can inspire trust, loyalty, and commitment, ultimately leading to better outcomes for the organization as a whole.

Learn more about how to cultivate servant leadership.

How can servant leadership be beneficial in the workplace?

Servant leadership can be beneficial in the workplace in a number of ways, including:

  1. Improved employee engagement and job satisfaction: When employees feel supported, valued, and empowered by their leaders, they tend to be more engaged and satisfied with their work.
  2. Increased collaboration and teamwork: Servant leaders prioritize communication, collaboration, and trust-building, which can lead to stronger relationships and more effective teamwork.
  3. Higher levels of productivity and innovation: When leaders empower their team members to take ownership of their work and contribute their ideas, it can lead to higher levels of productivity and innovation.
  4. Reduced turnover and absenteeism: Employees who feel supported and valued are less likely to leave their jobs or call in sick, leading to reduced turnover and absenteeism rates.
  5. Improved organizational culture: Servant leadership can create a positive organizational culture that values growth, development, and well-being for all stakeholders, which can lead to improved morale and outcomes.

Overall, servant leadership can lead to a more positive, productive, and fulfilling workplace environment, benefiting both employees and the organization as a whole.

Learn more about how to cultivate servant leadership.

How does servant leadership differ from other leadership styles?

Servant leadership differs from many other leadership styles in several key ways:

  1. Focus on serving others: Servant leaders prioritize the needs and well-being of their followers over their own interests, while many other leadership styles focus more on achieving organizational goals.
  2. Empathy and listening skills: Servant leaders value empathy and active listening skills to better understand the needs and perspectives of their followers, while some other leadership styles may be more focused on asserting authority or making decisions without input from others.
  3. Collaboration and teamwork: Servant leaders prioritize collaboration and teamwork, seeking to empower and develop their followers to achieve their full potential, while other leadership styles may be more focused on competition or individual achievement.
  4. Humility and accountability: Servant leaders view themselves as stewards of their organization, prioritizing the well-being of all stakeholders and taking responsibility for their decisions, while some other leadership styles may be more focused on personal ambition or avoiding blame.

Overall, servant leadership is characterized by a focus on serving others, prioritizing empathy and collaboration, and taking a humble and accountable approach to leadership. While other leadership styles may be effective in different contexts, servant leadership can be a powerful tool for creating positive change and empowering others to reach their full potential.

Learn more about how to cultivate servant leadership.

Harnessing Your Inner Enneagram 6 Leader  - Everyday Design (2024)


Do Enneagram 6 make good leaders? ›

Enneagram 6's have the potential to be natural-born leaders if they learn how to channel their strengths effectively and develop strategies for overcoming any potential weaknesses or challenges associated with this type of personality.

Where do Enneagram 6s go in stress? ›

When under stress, sixes move to their stress arrow of the three. They can become workaholics, image-conscience, and dismissive of their thoughts and feelings. Sixes can learn to identify thoughts or situations that create anxious reactions within them and use their logical approach to respond rationally.

What do Enneagram 6s need to hear? ›

Message They Want To Hear:

Type 6s often view the world as a dangerous place and as a young 6, you may have learnt that when you do not plan with contingencies, you fall short and make mistakes. Then, it is made worse when the people around you tell you that you had let them down because of those mistakes.

Is Type 6 Enneagram rare? ›

In a Truity study of more than 54,000 respondents, Type Sixes were found to make up approximately 10% of the population; 10% of women and 9% of men.

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The Most Compatible Enneagrams for Type 6

Type 7s, 9s and 2s are in luck. Here's why. Of course, this doesn't mean you can't have a great relationship outside of these pairings. The matches below are just popularly thought to be compatible due to the traits typically associated with the Enneagram types.

Who are 6s attracted to? ›

Sixes are naturally attracted to the underdog and are generally very supportive of their cause. Team efforts, rhythmic routines, clear procedures, and explicit directions engage the Six.

What was Jesus Enneagram number? ›

It is conceived that Jesus was a personality type Nine on the Enneagram for lots of reasons but mainly because he shows oceans of patience in all his endeavors and then he snapped, per se, in the temple with the money changers — classic examples of the Nine personality.

Which Enneagram has most anxiety? ›

The Enneagram Type that is most likely to have anxiety is called The Loyalist, and its also known as Type Six. Some Loyalists deal with their anxiety internally, while others push against their fears.

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But fixated Type 6s experience intense internal confusion, becoming erratic, indecisive, suspicious, evasive and contradictory. They feel attacked by everyone and lash out violently, becoming deeply suspicious even of their own inner circle. They may display self-destructive tendencies.

What makes an Enneagram 6 happy? ›

The most basic desire of the Enneagram Type 6 is to feel secure, which they are likely to seek through loyalty to others. They work hard to build strong, stable relationships. Sixes want to feel that they can truly trust others to support them.

How do you make an Enneagram 6 feel loved? ›

Enneagram Type 6 in Love
  1. A respectful, listening ear through times of stress.
  2. Solid support that can be counted on 24/7.
  3. Optimism and an infectious sense of positivity.
  4. Goofy inside jokes and a great sense of humor.
  5. Quality time simply being present and together.
Feb 4, 2020

Who is a famous person in the Enneagram 6? ›

According to the Enneagram Institute, Sixes are labeled The Loyalist due to their loyalty to their friends, beliefs, ideas, and systems. They tend to fight for their beliefs more than they fight for themselves. Famous Type Six leaders include: Mark Twain, Sigmund Freud, Robert F.

What zodiac is Enneagram Type 6? ›

That might as well be the “Scout's Honor” motto of the typical Enneagram 6, a Type that mimics the cautious, responsible nature of Saturn and the Capricorn zodiac sign.

What is the rarest Enneagram? ›

The rarest Enneagram type is Type Five, also known as the Pioneer or the Investigator. Type Fives are innovative individuals known for their motivation to learn more about the world, obtain new skills, and become experts in their field so they can be self-sufficient. They value their solitude and tend to be reclusive.

What is the Enneagram 6 danger? ›

Type 6's attention goes to avoiding danger. Because they feel an inner sense of threat and doubt, Type 6 scans their environment for potential dangers, focusing on any threat (even minor ones) and magnifying them out of proportion.

Can Enneagram 6 be a leader? ›

Enneagram 6 people can be reluctant leaders, but they are courageous and will take responsibility for what needs to be done. Often, they come into their own in times of crisis.

What is the best Enneagram for a leader? ›

Enneagram 1 leaders have a strong sense of justice and are driven by their ideals. They tend to be highly organized, logical, and principled in their work. As such, they often have very high standards for themselves and their teams.

Which Enneagram type is best for leaders? ›

Enneagram Type Threes are driven, inspiring leaders. According to The Enneagram Institute, “threes really can and do achieve great things in the world. They are the “stars” of human nature, and people often look up to them because of their graciousness and personal accomplishments.

What is Enneagram 6 good at? ›

Type Six in Brief

The committed, security-oriented type. Sixes are reliable, hard-working, responsible, and trustworthy. Excellent “troubleshooters,” they foresee problems and foster cooperation, but can also become defensive, evasive, and anxious—running on stress while complaining about it.

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Name: Dr. Pierre Goyette

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Introduction: My name is Dr. Pierre Goyette, I am a enchanting, powerful, jolly, rich, graceful, colorful, zany person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.